Sem pretensão de me comparar aos grandes compositores, que forçados a compor ( chegaram a ser trancados na cozinha do hotel com o aviso de que só sairiam de lá com algo escrito no papel. Bendito seja o Oldham) criaram músicas legendárias. Então, me atrevendo a escrever após completar a leitura do livro Vida , de Keith Richards, segue o meu momento Glimmer twins, pseudônimo criado por Jagger e Richards para denominar a própria dupla, autora de todas as músicas dos Stones.
Don't offer me a cigar today, 'cuz I migth say yes
I've been walking
boy, how I have
I look around and it just
blows me away
How in hell can They be so selfish?
How? I`m asking you.
I start walking faster
' cause it seems to be better
just ignore what`s 'round me
It makes everything easier
but the speed makes me panting
I gotta slow down.
So please, don`t offer me a cigar right now 'cause I might just take it
Yes I`ll
I`ll calm down
in every smoke my nightmares will dissipate
My worst fears will be gone
But, no. Do not offer me that
'Cause I'll say yes
that's the easier way out
It's an easy way to choose for living
But I don't wanna live alienated
I'd rather smoke my lugs off then not see
what's been happening next to me.
So yeah, offer me a cigar and I'll show you who you really are.